Our Wish List
For Our Operations
Here’s an easy way to help if you can’t make it in to shop or donate!
Running two stores requires a lot of items for our operations. Simply purchase these items online and have them sent to our stores – or purchase locally and bring them in. These donations help us keep our costs down.
For Our Team Members
- Cases of Coca-Cola, Diet Coke, and Sprite
- Gatorade and Sparking Water
- Granola bars, animal crackers, chips…any non-perishable food (not expired)
- K-Cups of coffee for Keurig Coffee Maker
- Paper plates, cups and plastic utensils for our breakroom
Store Operations – Cleaning Supplies
- Windex
- Mr. Clean Magic Erasers
- Mr. Clean Meadows & Rain with Febreeze Cleaner
- Febreeze Fabric Spray
- Brooms – long handled with attachable dustpans
- 4″ and 8″ Black Zip Ties
- Swiffers Disposable Cleaning Dusters Refills
- 39 gallon garbage bags (minimum 1.2 mil)
Office Supplies
- Copy paper – 8-1/2″ x 11″ (minimum 96 brightness, preferred)
- Scotch brand scotch tape (refill rolls)
- Pens that work
- Fine point Sharpie markers
- Clear Packaging Tape (Scotch or Duck brands)
- 1″ and 1-1/2″ brand-name masking tape
Store Operations – Technology
- iPad with camera (gently-used are ok!) or Android-based tablets
- to use for social media posts in our stores and merchandise research by volunteers
- to create a computerized volunteer check-in system. Saves hours of manual input.
For Customers
Shopping Bags
Don’t toss your bags – recycle them. We take just about anything with a handle and use for the customer purchases.
- Plastic grocery bags (from grocery stores, discount stores, etc)
- Paper bags with handles (from department stores, Trader Joes, Whole Foods, etc)
- Large plastic bags (from department stores, Kohls, Macy’s, etc)
Packaging Paper
- This is a big need. We love the packing paper used by moving companies – we use it to wrap breakables upon checkout
- Bubble wrap
- Tissue paper
Gift Cards
These cards help us keep our costs down and give us the flexibility to buy what we need.
- Sams Club
- Visa / American Express / Mastercard
- Home Depot
- Walmart / Target
- Northern Tool
- Amazon
We can always use extra help in these areas to help us promote Second Life.
- Marketing & Public Relations assistance – a person or company to provide advice for an overall marketing, advertising and PR plan
- Email marketing consultant- assistance in improving our weekly email format and increasing open rates
- Grant writers
- Assistance promoting to local colleges
- Printing Sponsorship – to sponsor signs, postcards, fliers and other items promoting Second Life
- Signs
- Volunteers!