Where to Find your New Best Friend

Thousands of animals are waiting in shelters and rescue groups for their forever homes. Big. Small. Young. Old. Purebred. Mixed Breed. Special Needs. Perfect for you!
Your new best friends is hoping today is their lucky day…go check out the shelters and rescues. Today could be YOUR lucky day too!
When you rescue an animal, you save 2 lives…the pet you rescued and the space you freed up for another animal to be save.
Here are a few resources to get you started:
Pet Rescue Online Databases
- www.petfinder.com: A local and national database of thousands of adoptable pets, customizable by area, breed, animal type, age and more!
- www.adoptapet.com: A local and national database of thousands of adoptable pets, customizable by area, breed, animal type, age and more!
- www.spotsociety.org: A great resource for low-cost spay/neuter clinics, a list of rescue groups, shelters and more.
County Shelters – Metro Atlanta
- Clayton County: www.facebook.com/ClaytonCountyAnimalControl
- Cobb County: www.adoptapet.com/shelter85928-pets.html
- DeKalb County Animal Services: www.dekalbanimalservices.com
- Fulton County Animal Services: www.fultonanimalservices.com
- Gwinnett County: www.gwinnettcounty.com
County Shelters – Greater Metro Atlanta
- Barrow County: Barrow County Animal Shelter – Facebook
- Cherokee County: www.cherokeega-animals.org
- Fayette County: www.fayettecountyga.gov
- Forsyth County: www.forsythco.com
- Gilmer County: www.facebook.com/GilmerCountyAnimalShelter
- Heard County: www.heardcountyga.com/animalHome.html
- Haralson County: www.facebook.com/Haralson-County-Animal-Shelter-369168953287124
- Henry County: Henry County Animal Shelter – Facebook
- Hall County: www.hallcounty.org
- Morgan County: humanemorgan.org/adopt/
- Paulding County: View Paulding County Pets for Adoption
- Polk County: www.facebook.com/polkcountygaanimalcontrol
- Rockdale County: Rockdale County Animal Control – Facebook
- Walton County: www.waltonpets.net/adoptables.html
- Washington-Wilkes County: washingtonwilkesanimalshelter.org/adopt-a-best-friend
For a complete list of shelters, click here.
No-Kill Animal Shelters
- Atlanta Humane Society: www.atlantahumane.org
- Best Friends: www.bestfriends.org
- Furkids: www.furkids.org
- Good Mews Foundation: www.goodmews.org
- Lifeline Animal Project: www.lifelineanimal.org
- PAWS Atlanta: www.pawsatlanta.org
Rescues we have Supported
Here is a list of some of the rescues we have supported. They all have wonderful dogs and cats up for adoption. For a more complete list of rescues, click here or here.
Mixed Breed (Dogs-only groups or Dog & Cat groups – Mixed Breeds)
Athens Canine Rescue: www.athenscaninerescue.com
- Athen’s Pets: https://athenspets.net/
- Atlanta Animal Rescue Friends (AARF): www.aarfatlanta.org/
- BarkVille Dog Rescue: www.barkvilledogrescue.org
- Canine Caravan Rescue: https://www.caninecaravanrescue.org/
- Canine Cellmates: www.caninecellmates.org
- Doggie Harmony: https://sites.google.com/a/doggieharmony.org
- Georgia Heartland Humane Society: www.georgiaheartlandhumanesociety.org
- Georgia Pet T.A.I.L.S,: www.georgiapettails.org
- Girard Lifesaver: www.girardlifesaver.org
- Henry County Humane Society: www.henryhumane.com/
- Hooties Haven Animal Rescue: www.hootieshaven.org
- Mostly Mutts: www.mostlymutts.org
- New Beginnings Dog Rescue: www.newbeginningdogrescue.com
- Old Fella: www.oldfella.org
- Planned PEThood of Georgia: www.pethoodga.org
- Road Trip Home: www.roadtriphome.org
- Southern Animal Rescue: www.southernanimalrescue.org
- Street Paws: www.streetpaws.org
- The Humane Society of Statesboro and Bulloch County: www.statesborohumane.org
- You Lucky Dog Rescue and Sanctuary: www.youluckydogrescue.org
Breed-Specific Dog Rescues
- Atlanta Beagle Rescue: www.atlantabeaglerescue.org
- Chap’s Chows: www.facebook.com/ChapsChowRescue
- Doberman Rescue of Atlanta: www.dobermanrescueatlanta.com
- DREAM Dachshund Rescue: www.dreamrescue.org
- Friends to the Forlorn (Pit Bull): www.friendstotheforlorn.org
- Georgia Jack Russell Rescue: www.jackrusselladoptions.org
- Greyhound: Southeastern Greyhound Adoption: www.greyhoundadoption.org
- Releashed Rescue (Huskies): www.releashedrescue.com
Cat-Only Rescues
- CatRangers: www.catrangers.org
- Fancy Felines of the South Rescue: www.fancyfelinerescue.org
- Floyd Felines: http://floydfelines.org
- Kitty City Cat Rescue: www.kittycitycatrescue.com
- Purr Nation Cat Alliance: www.purrnation.org
- Rescue Cats: www.rescuecats.org
Outreach and Education
- Frida’s Companion Animal Rescue: www.fridasfoundation.com/
- Georgia Bully Breed: www.gabullybreed.org
- Humane Outreach Project: https://hophumane.org/
There are many more breed-specific rescues saving lives. Visit Petfinder.com and type in the breed you’re looking for…and you’ll find a rescue! Thank you for saving a life.